If you build it, they will come...

End of semester is still lingering on us, but our passion for the project keeps us working on it As you remember, we had lost quite a bit of functionality in favor of reworking some inner mechanisms in terms of handling input, data and other things. Well, we got it all working again, even better than before.

We now have finally a way to delete pieces. It's no longer the button we planned to implement, it's even better! You can remove things by right clicking any of the elements you don't want and they'll get right out of your way. The building phase pleases the welcome of two new building elements: launch buckets and cables! these elements are fundamental to your designs and will allow you to eventually launch projectiles as far as your creativity allows. That is, if they actually worked, which is currently not the case. See, we have the physical element now existing, but it doesn't have the logic associated with it, we expect the bucket to spawn the projectiles inside it and the cables to generate the forces that allow the launching of said projectiles. This is currently not implemented yet, however we have been getting a lot of help from our tutors to identify the best way to add these things to the project, we've received a lot of ideas and it sure looks like good progress will be made in the coming days. I'm missing a lot of other stuff that was added but you can get a general idea that things are looking good up for now.

Yet again, as a reward for reading this far, we're releasing a new build. This one's actually quite fun and i've seen myself messing around with it instead of studying, so we hope you enjoy it!

Stay tuned for more Siege-Engineer-ish things!


Siege Engineers alpha 4.exe 66 MB
Jul 10, 2023

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