Devlog 2: The key mechanics

Welcome to the next update of "ALIEN ESCAPE!"

In the initial build, we’ve already implemented player movement (using WASD), a dash ability (with the spacebar), and guns (aim with the mouse and shoot with right-click). Everything is synchronized between the three players. 

The last few weeks have been a bit slow due to the festivities (tikitikiti), but we're now focusing on the core elements of the game:

  • Player upgrades and HUD: We've added a health stat and health bar (friendly fire included). There are still some adjustments to be made, like tweaking the health stat, textures and adding cooldowns and reload times for the gun.


  • Enemies: The targets you'll be shooting at in this shooter! For now, we've implemented a simple spider.png that follows the nearest player. In the coming weeks, we aim to add animations and attack mechanics.

  • Map: Not much progress here yet, as we're still deciding which assets to use (we're torn between the 1st image or the 3rd image). Next week, I’ll start working on map generation, assembling the map randomly from a set of smaller pieces to add variety to the scenery.


Alien Escape.exe 80 MB
97 days ago

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